It has been a long time since I last wrote a blog post. In the past few days, I updated the architecture of Infinite Script to accelerate the speed for Chinese users. In this article, I share the new architecture of our website with you. Optimizing a CDN for Static Content Delivery Static content does not change over a period of time. If it does change, the changes are predictable.
A few days ago, I created TestZilla on Aliyun Elastic Compute Service. However, with the increment of PV, I decided to use CDN to cache static files(images, CSS, and javascript). But there’s no information on how to use CDN with Spring MVC, so I asked a question on StackOverflow. Setup Spring Configuration First of all, you need to use PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in Spring Configuration(such as dispatcher-servlet.xml) <!– Property File Location –> <bean class="org.
In this article, you will learn how to create a custom view helper in Zend Framework 2. A concrete example will be used; a helper which generates links for a subdomain, intended for storing static files. This is especially useful if you wish to use a Content Delivery Network (CDN). With very little modification, the helper can be made generic to support links to subdomains for all purposes. The Helper Class Let us begin by creating the helper class.