
Most of you will agree that HashMap is a most favorite topic for discussion in interviews nowadays. Now, I am continuing this discussion with you all. I am assuming that if you are interested in the internal working of HashMap, you already know the basics of HashMap, so I’m skipping that part. But if you are new to the concept, follow official java docs. Single Statement Answer If anybody asks me to describe “How HashMap works?”, I simply answer: “On the principle of Hashing”. As simple as it is. Now before answering it, one must be very sure to know at least the basics of Hashing. Right?
Many times while using WordPress, if we try to use “$” to access jQuery, we get an error the “$ is not defined”. This happens because the jQuery library which is included in WordPress loads in “no conflict” mode. In the no conflict mode jQuery returns the control of “$”, and it is no longer accessible as a function, variable, or alias for jQuery. WordPress does this in order to prevent compatibility problems with other JavaScript libraries that can be loaded.
It’s quite straightforward to integrate Log4j into the Spring MVC application. First, include Log4j.jar library into your project dependency, then create a file to define the Log4j’s appender and put this file into the project classpath, Done. In the tutorial, we show you how to integrate the Log4j 1.x logging framework into the Spring MVC application. Add Log4j Library to Your Project Download the Log4j library from the official website, or via Maven :
After all the services, DAO, and support classes are tested then it’s time for the controller. Generally, this is hard to test and most developers (based on observation) would rather just test it via Selenium or worse, by hand. That can work but it makes testing logic branches difficult and not to mention it’s time-consuming. Plus no active developer would be willing to wait for browser tests to run before checking in code. Luckily the Spring MVC Test project can do full controller testing via unit tests, it was such a success that it’s now in Spring MVC core as of version 4.0.5.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to develop a Spring 4 MVC Hello world example. We hope this tutorial will give you a quick start with Spring MVC development using the latest Spring 4 Release. Technologies used: Spring 4.0.4.RELEASE JDK 1.8 Tomcat 7.0.53 Maven 3.2.1 Eclipse Java EE IDE ( Eclipse Kepler) Maven Project Setup In Eclipse Let us start with the creation of a Maven web project in Eclipse. A maven web project archetype will create all the necessary folder structures required for a web project. We assume that you have installed the Maven plugins for Eclipse.
In this tutorial we are going to describe Jenkins installation and configuration with Maven and GitHub. We are going to use a Tomcat Application Server 7. If you don’t have Tomcat installed please get one here. You will need a Java 7+ SDK installed as well Git binaries installation At first we need client tool using which git operations like cloning, fetching, pooling can be done. We have chosen git client implementation available at Download and install it. Important thing is to select Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt option on Adjusting your PATH environment installation screen so that git client executables are added to your PATH variable.
The easiest way to do that would be to use the Params plugin, introduced in beta5. It has utility methods to make it easy to access different types of parameters. As always, reading the tests can prove valuable to understand how something is supposed to be used. Get a single value To get the value of a named parameter in a controller, you will need to select the appropriate method for the type of parameter you are looking for and pass in the name.
I’ve been getting into trouble for several hours with redirecting to the 404 page in Zend Framework 2. The question in StackOverflow: Before that, I’m using the following code: $this->getResponse()->setStatusCode(404); return; It works fine. However, after I create the 404 error page. I found it won’t redirect you to the error page with the code above. If you want to redirect to the 404 error page, you should use the following code: