Download PHP

Windows downloads of PHP are available here. If you are not sure of which version to get, check out this Stack Overflow page. I used the VC11 thread-safe PHP 5.5.0 download.

Install PHP

Once you’ve downloaded the installer, run it and install PHP in C:php (or wherever you like, but remember that the path should not contain spaces). Choose your webserver (or none if you don’t have a webserver installed) and select any additional components as needed, including PEAR.

Once PHP is installed open a command prompt. Check that PHP is set up correctly by running

php --version

It should give you output something like

PHP 5.5.0 (cli) (built: Jun 19 2013 16:13:16)
Copyright (c) 1997-2013 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.5.0-dev, Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies

If you don’t get this output something has gone wrong with the PHP install or in the modification of your environment variables. Get this fixed before proceeding with the guide.

Install Pear

In the command prompt, switch to the directory that you installed PHP to by running


Then install PEAR by running


Press Enter to accept the default when it asks you “Are you installing a system-wide PEAR or a local copy?”
Press Enter again to accept the file layout.
Press Enter to finish.

Install PHPUnit

Run the following commands (they may take a while to update, be patient):

pear channel-update
pear upgrade-all
pear channel-discover
pear channel-discover
pear channel-discover
pear update-channels

To install PHPUnit:

On Windows:

pear install --alldeps --force phpunit/PHPUnit

On Ubuntu:

pear config-set auto_discover 1
pear install

To test that PHPUnit was successfully installed, run

phpunit --version

If all is fine, it should print out something like PHPUnit 3.7.24 by Sebastian Bergmann followed by the help contents.


If you get a problem with PEAR refusing to install the dependencies for PHPUnit, try running this command:

pear clear-cache

If the underlying problem is this error SECURITY ERROR: Will not write to C:\php\ as it is symlinked to C:\php\ - Possible symlink attack then clearing the cache should fix it.

If you get stuck with no helpful error messages while installing PHPUnit, check the PHP error log. To locate it, open your php.ini file (c:\php\php.ini) and look for a line like error_log="C:\Windows\temp\php-errors.log". Open the log file at the location specified and look at the bottom of the log for any recent errors. Copy the error message and Google for solutions.

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